Friday, 19 July 2013

The Google Adsense PPC , PPA ,PPM , & PPV!

Ever since the Google grand slam on affiliate marketing which basically paralyzes a lot of landing pages and their subsequent "commitment" to ensure that surfers and adwords advertisers have "good" experience using google by forcing up to 10x times the cost of per click, a lot of marketers is forced to relook at their marketing channel. In addition, there is this big sue against google for click fraud which google paid a small token somewhat in millions as settlement and after which they have been banning websites that are close to earning their first $100 which includes me. Google have been stringent in their position as attested by the number of complaints in adsense help forum.

Further verified by the latest book titled the death of adsense, it is time to relook at the method of revenue generation of websites. For newbies, the common terms are,
Impressions - The number of impressions is the number of times an ad is displayed.
CTR - Clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of clicks your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown (impressions).
PPC - The Pay-Per-Click is the amount you pay each time a user clicks on your ad
PPA - Pay per Acquisition or Cost per sales
PPM - Pay per thousand impression
PPV - Pay per Visitor

Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN)
PPC. Saying is that YPN earning per click is up to 4x times that of Google Adsense but YPN click-through rate is much lower. It is still its better stage and is only available in US. But will certainly be my on A * list soon. (For US residents only now.)

PPA. Since 2000, online marketers have depended on the AzoogleAds? Network to deliver targeted and un-targeted customers from a variety of websites, search portals and newsletters. Ranked #1 by 30,000 media experts for 2004 and 2005 and looks promising. Percentage rate varies. Recommended.

Amazon Omakase
PPA. As an Amazon associate, you can now serve ads to your site based on the content on your pages. What's more, this service is totally compatible with AdSense. Unlike other ad program, amazon only pays you when some one buys usually at a percent between 4 to 8.5 which means rather huge if the user buys a thousand dollar plasma tv screen.

PPC or Flat-Rate. 2 type of ads avilable. Text Ads and Interstitial ads and is based on bidders getting your website. Free form text ads that give you more control over their appearance than AdSense. Also displayed with no "Ads by xxxxx" text. Excellent service. No exlusivity required.

Affiliate Sensor
PPA. This service automatically allows you to display ads from Clickbank's large member network. ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day. Some formatting issues when selecting certain ad sizes but overall cool. Recommended. Usually one sales is a minimum of $20.

PPC - Definitely one of the major players which will allows you to set your own price and advertisers or have everything automated, just like AdSense. $10 minimum payouts through PayPal. Recommended.

PPC, PPM, PPV. - Fixed rate for Advertisers. 70% profit share from displaying our contextual ads and able to earn up to 85% ad revenues for displaying your own ads under the affiliate programs. Additional 10% from the daily earning of Publishers referred. Check (min. payout: $50), or Paypal (min. payout: $20).Only seems to accept sites with a large amount of traffic, at least 50% of which must come from Canada, USA and UK. However, a search in google (ironic, isnt't it) shows Clicksor being called as fraud, much like Google itself.

Commission Junction
PPA. Using CJ's smartzones you can display rotating advertiSEMents. Generally used for image ads rather than text ads and sells both physical and electronic products.

Trying to be a competitor to Text Link Ads but is very confusing, not very user friendly and don't really explain what they do or how they do it.

Another big player in this field but only accepts sites with a good number of incoming links (they tell you its traffic that's important officially but unofficially incoming links are more important!) Rumors however is that it Google is trying to ban it.

Alex Fir

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Thursday, 18 July 2013

Keyword Elite Software Keyword Research Tool by Brad Callen

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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

SEO! What Is It?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a special tool for achieving qualified website traffic volume, through various kinds of improvements. They include appropriate keywords and non-stuffed keyword density, natural text flow and good algorithm of sentences and style, specially selected for each different kind of website. Another purpose is attracting the attention of the visitor, which cannot happen automatically. Therefore, the text must make sense.

Search Engine Optimization or more famous as SEO is a way for improvement of the Quality and volume of traffic, coming to a website through a search engine. The purpose of SEO is to reach a natural or “organic” flow of the text, combined with the usage of the necessary algorithmic and targeted keyword density and tips for attraction the reader’s attention.

If you want to take the biggest profit of your website, you will have to use unique keywords and attract more visitors. If you always postpone the SEO of your website, the rivalry will take your place in Google and other world-famous search engines. Every website owner must know very well the kinds of SEO- is it for image searches, local searches or the so called “vertical search” (It includes the industry specific engines).

Other possibility for the SEO to take place in Internet is the so called Internet Marketing Strategy. In this case, it is a wonderful tool for defining the interests of majority of people, as also what they are primarily looking for in Internet.

If you want a good SEO, be prepared for presentations, perfect structure of the website and its text, and a professional website coding. You must be very flexible and at the same time careful in finding the right free SEO tools and way for prevention of programs that have the only mission of search engine indexing. This means, that if your SEO is not strong and good enough every month you will be on the last positions, instead of the first ones! Beware- you will survive in Internet only through good and professional search engine optimization.

The unique content of your website is a must!

In case that you want to stay on the first place of the Internet Marketing, and at the same time not to loose the good tone and manner, expected from you as behavior in the Internet space, you have to be interesting and unique and your content must be easily found by the robots of every search engine.

An advice!

Never use black hat SEO. This is an illegal tool for achieving harming of the experience for all users in the search engine. That’s a class of technique, famous and described with the term of “spamdexing”. If your website is stuffed with keywords or the so called “link farms”, your readers will not visit it- don’t forget that your content, although found from the robots of the search engines, is always read by humans!

Internet marketing, SEO and Web Analysis- what is the relation between them?

Actually, it’s not something complicated. It’s even pretty simple. The purpose of Internet or also known as Online Marketing is to sell products. However, this cannot happen without the help of a good and well developed SEO. Therefore, there are SEO specialists, who care only for this. Some of the best SEO specialists are part of the Seo Guru Tech team, located in Miami, South Florida. They provide a comprehensive analysis of your website, design, traffic, search indexing, ranking and links status. Based on your business and current analysis, they develop a plan to increase relevant traffic to your site, sales and improve your business bottom line. Their plan spells out in detail how they can accomplish it for you. Once the plan is implemented you will be able to monitor the results and your return of investment (ROI). Contact them at for a free consultation.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Google Suggest Keyword Suggestion Scraper Tool

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Sunday, 14 July 2013

Free Keyword Research Tool

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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Easy Web Design Software For Home Businesses

Designing your own website from scratch that you're proud of is not as hard as you may think. Especially nowadays, because there is software available that takes on much of the work that used to be relegated to the webmaster (which is you!).

In days past, in order to build a website from scratch, you had to know HTML, or "Hyper Text Markup Language." And really, you are still better off knowing at least the basics of HTML. Nevertheless, it's not required. Especially if you find easy web design software that does most of the work takes care of this for you. Now, every single HTML editor on the planet now features a "WYSIWYG" interface. (What You See Is What You Get.) So, in theory, you shouldn't have to know the first thing about hand-coding a website.

The reality is, however, not all HTML editors (or "web design software") does WYSIWYG well. Little annoying problems tend to crop up. For example, say you typed the following sentence using your site builder:

"Discover the best places to SCUBA dive in the Cayman Islands." Say you want "best places" to be italicized and "Cayman Islands" to be bolded. Here's what's supposed to happen:

In the background, your HTML editor is supposed to 'type' the phrase as such: Discover the best places to SCUBA dive in the Cayman Islands. (I put extra spaces between the tags for this example, in order to keep the article publishing software from parsing it like normal HTML.)

But instead, this is what you get: "Discover the best places to SCUBA dive in the Cayman Islands." Even though you selected the words "best places" and clicked the little graphical icon on your html editor's toolbar that represented italics, your phrase comes out non-italicized. And your bolded words are not bolded.

Well, in this instance, you'd have to go to the "Source View" of your HTML editor and manually insert the above HTML tags to make these things happen. This is a very annoying problem with too many popular web design software titles nowadays.

Another problem that will frustrate the heck out of you, is seeing a totally different result in the web browser than you see in your desktop. For example, your formatting changes are (apparently) taking effect as you type--just as it should (remember it's touted as being WYSIWYG)...

However, they don't show up when you publish the page to the internet! I don't know why, but this problem still plagues most web design software to this day.

Fortunately, there are a few (very few) good software titles that work for cheap, while doing all the other things to make your site stand out and (if you're so inclined) draw visitors by the hundreds.

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Friday, 12 July 2013

Keyword Research Tool | Deeper Keyword Tool - Keyword Suggestion Software

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Keyword Research Tool | Deeper Keyword Tool - Keyword Suggestion Software

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Thursday, 11 July 2013

The Secret of Search Engine Optimization

How to do Search Engine Optimization is one of the best kept secrets in the world. Even though you would think it is all out there in forums and other websites, when you try to figure it out, you will find you can’t find the forest for the trees.

Let me put it plain and simple. The secret of Search Engine Optimization is not about keywords, or titles, or meta keyword tags, or meta descriptions, or heading tags, or keyword density, or alt attributes, or what ever other on-the-page factor you can find. Even links aren’t the secret.

The real secret of search engine optimization is Harmony!

Harmony between all the factors I just mentioned and many more other factors as well. And that is exactly why it is not easy to find a great SEO company for your website. Every SEO can talk about the importance of a title, or any of the other factors, but try finding one that talks about how it all works together.

Harmony is the real power of SEO and it needs to be supported by lots of hard work, especially focused on link building. But here too harmony comes into play.

Many SEO’s that I talk with about harmony tell me that of course I am right and that it is so obvious it isn’t worth mentioning. But the truth is that not that many people (SEO’s included) are able to bring real harmony to their pages and website.

Putting keywords in title, meta keywords, meta description and heading tags, that’s easy. But that’s just the most basic form of harmony in a web page. Just think of how keywords fit into text found in the title, description, heading tags and the copy. Should you just place the keywords in there somehow, or may it be better to be a bit more considerate when choosing what to write in all these places?

What about topical structure? Is your site completely structured according to a logical topical structure? There are so many indirect factors that are as powerful as link building. And it is hardly possible to put it into words as it is more an art than a science to get it right.

Alpha Golf Clubs Define Quality

Alpha Golf equipment covers the gamut from drivers to putters and everything in between. All the Alpha golf clubs are made with Quality in manufacture and design. Each Alpha golf club has something to offer players.

The Alpha Golf C830.2 Plasma Welded 460cc Titanium driver is just one example of the many fine clubs in the Alpha brand. The club head has a high center of gravity for that perfect swing. The nearly smooth face lends itself to low spin for a more accurate drive. The highest energy transfer ratio allowed by the USGA is attained by this excellent club-face.

Everything about the engineering of the Alpha Golf C830.2 Plasma Welded 460cc Titanium driver is done with care and precision. It all works together for a well-planned effect of feel, distance, and accuracy. The large sweet spot makes hitting with the club a breeze.

The Alpha Golf C830.2 Plasma Fairway Woods combine with the driver to make an exciting combination of clubs. The fairway woods have the same technologies as the C830.2 driver. The fairway woods have a maraging steel insert that sends the ball flying faster. They have low backspin and yield straight, long shots.

The Alpha Golf Series C1 Pro Irons look like traditional irons, yet they incorporate new technology in their design. They are made from 1020 carbon steel. The head size is large and has a thinner top-line. This series of clubs is all about forgiveness. High launch angles are possible with these clubs.

The Alpha Golf Series C1 Pro Irons vary in loft from 22 for the 3 iron to 48 for the pitching wedge. The head weight goes from 244 grams to 293 grams. The 3 iron has a 2 degree bounce all the way up to the pitching wedge, which has a 7 degree bounce.

The Alpha Golf Series PF-2 Wedges are made for high loft of 52 for the GW, 56 for the SW and 60 for the LW. These are heavy clubs, weighing from 302 grams to 310 grams. They are made in such a way as to create better spin control. They have a soft feel.

The Alpha Golf Series Pro Forged Wedges are designed to last through game after game. They range in loft from 48 for the PW to 60 for the LW. They work for the fairway or in the sand. They are made from 8620 Low Carbon Steel. Players can choose their shaft, shaft flex, shaft length with a +3 or -3 variation from standard, and their grip.

The Alpha Golf Zeta Putter makes the perfect finish to a hole with its low carbon steel club head. The club is resistant to skidding and makes shots easier and quicker. The head weight for both the 34 inch and the 35 inch putters are 340 grams.

The important thing to remember about Alpha Golf equipment is that its Quality is apparent in each of its clubs. Choosing a bag full of clubs has never been easier than after finding the treasure trove of golf equipment at Alpha Golf.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Keyword Elite Software Keyword Research Tool by Brad Callen

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Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Dependable Energy of the Highest Quality

Glacial energy concentrates in delivering dependable energy of the highest Quality in service. It is reasonably priced products to cost-conscious business customers. It can help businesses save money on electricity costs as well as enhance service efficiency. Glacial energy is dedicated to supplying the most excellent combination of service and price to commercial business units of all scopes as a result of supreme value for price-conscious energy consumers. It’s also a growing market for retail energy in the US. It is currently selling power energy and serving industrial, institutional and commercial customers in sixteen deregulated markets. Glacial energy markets are licensed for businesses in several cities in the United States including Maine, New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, District of Columbia and California. In addition, glacial energy will also be selling gas in the near future.

Since customers will be customers of their utility, they will be saving good money as a glacial energy commercial customer. The local utility holds the power lines that bring electricity to your organization and business. As a consumer you will be billed for the electricity delivery but at state governed rates. Glacial energy-being the energy service company-supplies the actual electricity as it continually shops for the top wholesale prices in order to lower down your costs. So far they have been very reliable, and in case of power failure or power disaster, it is your responsibility to notify your utility. They are obliged to counter with attention to all their customers. They are not expected to discriminate against other consumers of glacial energy from other energy service companies. The system of delivery is responsible of the utility and because it is such, it offers reliability and safety. The utility maintains the lines and repairs in case of power outages and storms. The regulatory body unit looks over the state utilities and help to ensure the utility constantly provides a reliable and safe delivery system for your advantage. It is assured that when you swap to glacial energy, the electrical service power in your home and state will remain uninterrupted. Switching to glacial energy as the electricity provider for your home and business will allow you to start enjoying the savings you gain from your energy costs. You might be wondering how you can avail yourself this and take advantage of the benefits it has to offer, well you just have to get enrolled the steps are convenient and easy.

Furthermore, you also need not worry about assessing your actual bill statement. It is convenient to follow them through as there will be access to your management and billing history that appear on your utility delivery bill. Depending on where you are located, you may not have to purchase power energy from your local utility. Glacial energy is an excellent alternative to standard electricity since it has the capability to decrease your energy costs. Yes, it is specifically created to lower the electrical costs of your business. This is because it buys their energy source directly from the original source and offers it to consumers at a very competitive price.

How To Start An Online Business From Scratch

One advantage of doing business online is that you can start from scratch without investing much money. Here is a 27 Step Action Plan to help you get started...

1. List 5 hobbies, interests or areas of expertise. If you want to start a new business, you'd better choose a subject that you like and a subject where you can show expertise. You will have more fun and you will be more competitive.

2. Brainstorm a list of keywords and phrases related to those hobbies and interests. For example, if you are going to sell small airplane collectibles, some possible keywords could be: airplanes, aeronautics, war airplanes, etc.

3. Research those keywords in to locate problem statements that have high search results and low competition. is a web page that helps you find out how many times your keywords are searched online, how popular your keywords on search engines are. Those keywords may represent problem statements. Wordtracker shows you how many people are buying traffic on those keywords and how much are they paying. You need to find popular statements with low competition.

4. Research those problem statements further to determine if you can develop a product to solve the problem stated. You may use search engines to see how many people are offering products that can help to solve those problems. If you find a popular problem and there are not many people offering solutions online, you've got it!

5. Find or create a product based on previous research for you to sell. Once you found a hungry market, you just need to find the food that your customers want and they will eat from your hands. You may find companies online that can manufacture the products for you or you may find a different way to create the product yourself. If the product is an e-book, you may write it yourself or you may hire someone else to do it.

6. Write a long copy sales letter for that product. The experience of the most important internet marketing gurus reveals that long copies sell much more than short copies. It is also recommendable that you try to sell only one product on your web site. Focus on one product unless the solution you are providing is the offer of a wide catalogue.

7. Register a domain and set up a hosting account. There are many places online where you can register a domain and set up a hosting account in minutes.

8. Register for a merchant account (to set up quickly use If you don't want to register a merchant account that will allow you to take credit card payments online, go to and sign in. It can be a little bit more expensive, but it is a simple way to take credit card payments online very quickly.

9. Set up a simple web site using an automatic site builder or pay to have someone set it up for you. Do not try to design your own web site unless you are educated on html. Do not waste your time. Hire someone else to do it or buy automatic web site builder software. There are many of these you can buy online.

10. Set up an opt-in form on your web site to collect e-mail addresses. You need to start collecting e-mail addresses for your newsletter. The major part of your business will come from the emails that you will send to your customer list.

11. Build an extensive keyword list based on the initial list of keywords you developed. Use For each keyword on the initial list, Overture can help you find different combinations with other words that you may find interesting. Check the popularity of each term and write down on a spread sheet your final keyword list.

12. Submit those keywords to to start driving traffic right away. You need to start driving some traffic immediately in order to test your web site. The best way to do that is to buy this traffic at

13. Optimize and submit your web site to organic search engines (Google, Altavista, etc...). Once you have proved that your web site works and sells, you will be ready to make the business bigger. It is then time to start working on building free traffic to your site.

14. Continue to test and tweak your web site until target conversion rate is met. Your conversion ratio should be that 1-2% of your visitors should buy from your web site, and 11% should subscribe to your newsletter. Continue testing until you get those stats.

15. Set up an affiliate program on your web site. Affiliate programs can double your business with no additional effort. Others will make the job for you. But you cannot set up an affiliate program before you are sure that your web site can produce results. If your site does not work, you will loose your affiliates and they will never come back to you again.

16. Approach complimentary web sites to sign up as affiliates to promote your product. Get in contact with people that can promote your product and ask them to be your affiliates. Just try to find your first 100 affiliates, and your affiliate list will boom alone.

17. Start publishing a monthly newsletter. You have started collecting e-mail addresses much earlier, but it is not the time to start working the newsletter until you can prove that everything else works.

18. Submit articles to related newsletters and e-zines on a regular basis. In the articles you should always have a link to your site, so that you can get more traffic and you can get more people joining to your newsletter.

19. Continue the development of a content rich web site to further increase search engine rankings. Search engines love content. You must have many web sites which are rich on your keywords and which have links to your main page. A good way to do this is to add as many articles as you can related to your business and link them to your home page.

20. Once keywords have been tested in Overture, roll out in Google Adwords. It works similar to Overture, you bid for traffic. But do not go to Google Adwords first. You must first prove your success with Overture and then go to Google Adwords.

21. Roll out tested keyword list in other major PPCs. When you are sure about your stats, and you know how much money you collect per visitor, you must buy as much traffic as you can get as far as your income per visitor is higher than your bids.

22. Create a viral e-book to generate more leads. Create a free e-book that you can promote and which sells your product or service. Give it for free, and this will bring more traffic to your web site.

23. Have an expert review and critique your web site. Even if your site works, you can always improve. Listen to others and learn from their experiences.

24. Survey your existing customers to find out what other products or services they are looking for. Once you have a big list of customers, use it to find out what other problems do they have. Try to find or create a solution for them and you will boost your sales instantaneously.

25. Create and find back-end products and market them through your e-mail list. Continue finding more products that meet your customer demands and promote them via e-mail.

26. Continue to test and tweak your web site and offers. Nothing is perfect the first time and can always be improved. It is very important that you take action, even if you make mistakes. Learn from your errors and improve your skills.

27. Repeat process to create "Multiple Streams of Income". Once your business is working on automation, then you can start the process again with a new business. Build as many businesses as you can, and reduce your risks. If one business fails, but you have another 5 working businesses, who cares about it?

If you have read up to this point, you are probably asking yourself how much it will cost to get started? The answer is very simple; it depends on how much time and money you have available to invest! If you have a lot of time, you can do everything yourself. On the other hand, if you don't have time, you will have to pay other people for building your website and/or for optimizing your site on search engines.

If you can do nothing else...just launch a web site and start promoting online...

Monday, 8 July 2013

Seo Keyword Software - Best Seo Keyword Software Review

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Sunday, 7 July 2013

A-Z Of An Online Business � Professional Methods That Worked For Professionals


Ever wondered why some sites make it without using the caveman techniques that are taught so widely on the internet. Its because they know the tried and tested methods of advertising and marketing that can create a hype about your site in its own world -- offline and online. I started using the internet before Google was even a recognized search engine. eBay was just a little site not much different then one I can put together in a couple of days, and I watched the internet go from what it was then to what it is today. There have been ups, and there have been downs, but there have been general trends and key things to remember that made the whole experience more profitable and enjoyable, and without further rambling, I’m going to get started.


When trying to do business on the internet, the ways people perceive your site and you as a business are key. It can mean the difference between a customer that thinks twice before ordering from you and a customer who impulsively buys, without thinking. Go ask any sales team in the world, and they’ll tell you that a sale today is better then the promise of 10 tomorrow.

Building an online business that people look at in a favorable way is infinitely easier than opening up say a store, or franchise. All you need to do is have a nice looking website, and one person can run the entire operation, as opposed to having to put a huge amount of money into the looks and employment before even making a single sale. The customers don’t need to know that, and if you do what you promise, they won’t care. So because of this you have to understand that if you put an amount of work into your website, which will be your main salesfield, expect that amount of work to be directly reflected in your sales. What I mean is if you put together a website in 2 hours and when its all together you go around telling people to visit then not many people are going to take you seriously. But if you take some time, maybe map out your website first using the old pen and paper method, and take time in setting up your graphics and content, people will actually come to your website and be impressed, both consciously and non-consciously.

So how much of that didn’t you know already? You probably knew most of it, and if not, this is the first eBook you’ve read! But the fact still remains that even though you’ve heard it over and over, most websites out there are shabbily put together because people are looking to make money quickly, and that doesn’t work.



Don’t stop during the 30 minutes, I mean, come on, 30 minutes isn’t a long time. But at the same time, even if you feel like you are up to it, don’t spend MORE than 30 minutes at a time on your site.


Go to and register a domain. Use the coupon code ‘saveten’ to get a 10% discount on your order. Now go to and use the coupon code ‘moesdeals’ to get up to 65$ off your order. Order hosting and get your domain setup, if you don’t have the money to do this, then MAKE THE MONEY. Without your own domain you will have a definite disadvantage in making money.


After you have your domain and your hosting, you can start thinking about content, and Search Engine Optimization. Now, a lot of people rush into this stage of things thinking they’ll just fill up their site with so much stuff that people coming to the site won’t be able to leave because they’ll never be able to finish reading everything. This is the WRONG way to look at things, at least in 2006. In earlier years, this kind of info stuffing would have got you a high ranking on search engines, and you wouldn’t have had any problems with getting people to your site. But now with all the annoyances of pop-ups and banners and flashing ads, people like to go to a site and see what they want to see – the site. Your logo should stand out and be done in a light soft shade. Except for some exceptions, use soft colors like a dull yellow, a light grey and dull orange. Colors like these will make people associate your website with feelings of happiness, success and bliss in their head and they will find it easier on their eyes to spend more time browsing your site. Notice the popularity of Google as a search engine came just as all the search engines on the internet started filling their pages up with advertising? Google came out with a site that was and still is as simple as ever. A logo at the top with the search bar in the middle, and although it wasn’t a very pretty site, it gave people the most functionality from the site because they came to search and it was easy to do so. So they came back. If Google started off their site as a small search bar among a sea of ads like the other search engines were doing, then it would be in no better of a position then, and are. Sure these are good websites, but they aren’t the ones who had a stock quadruple in its first year. So the point here is that use colors that do not jump from the page, and make sure that the intent of your site is clear and centered. Use pictures as much as you can, and use small slogans and small sentences more on your homepage then long paragraphs and the like. There are other pages on your site for that kind of mumbo jumbo, this isn’t it.


So now you have a website set up, its looking good with nothing sticking off the page and your main intent VERY clear. Now what? Now you want to go and find yourself a meta-tag generator, or use the one at, and set up the part of your site that people don’t see. The meta-tags are one of the most important parts of your websites marketing because it’s these meta-tags that search engines read to get a description of your site and match it to keywords. Its easy to make these meta-tags and you’ll find tons of tools on the internet that will help you make them. But theres always two ways to do things, and almost always the harder way gets you better results. What you need to do is optimize your keyword on your site. In 2005 the key to making a good website was a website with lots of articles that are updated everyday with fresh content about your site. Now you can go to any site and see all the articles written by random people, and don’t think that Google hasn’t taken notice of this new effort to thwart their efforts and site crawling algorithms. So now we come to 2006, and a whole new approach must be taken to get the same results that just placing a bunch of random articles could have had in 2005 or earlier years. The name of the game for 2006 is short, precise, and no lies. If you want a site, then Google is making it more and more of a must that you put work into it for it to be rated as one of the top sites in their search engine listing. The old stuffing your sites with your keywords in your content approach doesn’t work anymore.

So how are you going to get listed near the top of search engines? Be realistic first off, don’t expect your site that you just made to be listed at the top of Google for your exact keyword. For example, if you start a site that sells wholesale information, then don’t expect when someone types in wholesale they are going to be able to find you at all, because they won’t there are bigger companies then yours! However, making several different pages and submitting them all separately will help you. How? Because what you’re going to do is use specific keywords for your search engine listing. Selling wholesale information about cameras? Then you need to have ‘wholesale Kodak cameras information’ as your keyword(s). If you’re too worried about someone never typing in that search, don’t be. They might not type it in as often, but at least if they do, they know your site is the first one there, and they know that its EXACTLY what they’re looking for. Would you rather have a keyword that is search 500,000 times a day and you not get a single hit or a keyword that is searched 50 times a day and you get them ALL. My point exactly.

If you hunt around enough you can even find search engine submission software that will submit your sites for free. I really recommend getting one of these, because the next tip I’m going to give you is to submit each page of your site independent of one another with different keywords and different meta-tags. You want your site to be out on these search engines as much as possible, and more sites for them to spider will mean a better chance of you being seen. Again, this part takes a bit of time, and its boring making 50 different meta-tags, but the fact of the matter is, it’s a crucial part of the business and doing it will reward you times ten in the future. Another thing that is important is to use a ‘revist after’ tag in your meta-tags and set it to 14 days so that every 14 days the spider will check for updates on your site. But this also means you should update your site at least once every 14 days so that the spider doesn’t somehow filter you out. I wish I could say more than that but only Google knows those kind of limits and I’d suppose with the numbers of sites on the internet they filter out quite a bit.

Another thing is don’t expect to see your listing in the search engine listing be at the top instantly, and for sure don’t expect to be at the very top ever, depending on what you’re selling, it may or may not be worth but you can buy ads at the side, but more about that later.

If you want the rest of this eBook, then visit!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Youtube Scraper Software - Keyword Research Suggestion Tool Review

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Youtube Scraper Software - Keyword Research Suggestion Tool Review

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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Best Keyword Research Software Review - Best Keyword Research Software

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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

How To Capitalize From Search Engine Marketing Services

There is a new age in Internet marketing upon us and it lies in the search engines. Search Engine Marketing services are quickly becoming the most popular and effective way to market your business online and to secure valuable contacts with clients from all over the world. However, since this is becoming such a large industry, there are many providers of Search Engine Marketing services and some are better and more trustworthy than others. Therefore, it is important to conduct a proper investigation of the company that you decide to use for your online marketing campaign.

The first thing that you should consider when choosing a company for your search engine marketing needs is their track record. Be weary of a company that has just recently started because they might not have the experience to give you the service that you are looking for. Although they might promise that they can give you the same service that a more established company could, they may in fact just be trying to secure your business. Since this is a fairly new enterprise, there are a lot of fraudulent companies that are just looking to capitalize on this industry. Also, there are some companies that aren't fraudulent but just aren't able to provide the service that they say they can. Although the basic premise of search engine marketing services is quite simple in nature, experience is the key in order to get the best possible results for your business.

Just as in any other industry, word of mouth is always the best way to discover which companies can be trusted and which cannot. So if you know someone who has used one of these services in the past, then it is advisable to ask them about their experiences with a specific company and see if that company would be able to fulfill your needs as well. Another way of finding the perfect company for your needs is to conduct proper research. A big mistake that many business owners make, is taking everyone at their word. Any company that has a good track record should not have any problem with putting you in touch with one of their past contracts so that you can find out about their experiences with the company.

It is also a good idea to never take testimonials at face value. Often, testimonials on the website are simply concocted by the owner of the company and do not accurately reflect the opinions of the actual customers. However, testimonials can also be true, so it is important to research effectively. Upon conducting all of the necessary research and you decide that the company is trustworthy, it is still not a great idea to shell out a whole lot of money up front. There is no way to be sure that they will come through on their word and actually increase your search engine potential. Perhaps hiring them for a smaller project at first may be a better idea. That way, you get to experience their customer service first hand and also be able to see the results. If you are pleased with the results and the level of professionalism and service that you received, then you can have the piece of mind to hire them for a larger contract.

Search engine marketing services can be incredibly beneficial to almost any business and can vastly increase your online availability which in turn will increase your customer base. And with a larger customer base, comes larger profits. Just remember to do your homework, so you are certain to get the best value for your money.